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June 9, 2013 was an exciting day for three believers as they took an important step of faith into the water of baptism at McIvor Lake Lions Beach.  Immediately following the Worship Service, about 85 people headed out to the lake where we enjoyed burgers and hot dogs before going down to the beach to witness the baptisms.  Children’s Director Leora Sawatzky had the privilege of baptising Kassidy Leighton; our Music Director Chris Coon had the privilege of baptising his daughter, Jade Coon; and Pastor Robin Martens baptised Debra Gatzke.

Once a person has prayed and asked Jesus to forgive them for the wrong they have done and come into their life, they belong to God forever as His child.  Baptism by immersion is commanded for every believer right after they come to faith in Jesus as a public declaration that Jesus is their Savior and they plan to make every effort to be obedient to Him.

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