PRIORITIES - Matthew 6:25-34

What Does it Say?  v31-33  Don't let thoughts about what you are going to eat, drink, or wear dominate your mind.  God knows you need them and he will provide.  You need to focus on what God wants you to do in his Kingdom.
What Does it Mean?  How much of our day do we spend thinking about what benefits us, what will we eat, drink, wear, etc?  How much of our day do we spend asking God what he wants us to do and doing it?  It is true that we need to take care of our bodies before meeting the needs of others or our energy to do anything else will be diminished.  God knows what we need and he will provide what is needed to do the work he has called us to do.  Do we spend our disposable time, energy, and resources, focusing on building God's kingdom or worrying about meeting our own needs?  What thoughts are dominating your mind?  Ask God to guide you every day in what he wants you to do and embrace His priorities.