What Does it Say?  v17-18 Watch out for people who pretend to be representing God, but are not.  You can recognize a tree by its fruit.  Good trees produce good fruit; bad trees produce bad fruit.

What Does it Mean?  It doesn't matter what people say, their position, how likable they are, or how many friends they have.  They may be fakes even though they appear to follow Jesus.  You identify a counterfeit by comparing it to the original.  How are they like Jesus?  How are we like Jesus?  What is coming out of us?  Who we are is more important than what we do.  If we spend time with Jesus on a regular basis, he transforms us from the inside out. We need to be careful not to imitate or be influenced by people with bad attitudes.  If your friend loves Jesus, tell them what attitude you see with gentleness and respect.  If they listen, you will have won your sister over as in Matthew 18:15.  If they don't listen, they may be wolves in sheep clothing and you will want to stay away from them.  Be on the lookout for people who claim to be Christian, but don't act like it.  Do the Christians you look up to act like Jesus?