
James 3:1-12

The potential of countless people has been destroyed by careless words. I would dare to say there have been more people destroyed by stray words than by bullets and bombs in all the wars put together. “You’re stupid.” “You’ll never amount to anything.” “You can’t do it.” “You’re ugly.” “You’re no good.” “I hate you.” These are damaging words that suck the life out of people who are made in the image of God. These kinds of words should never come out of the mouths of Christ-followers. If the seed of the gospel has taken root in our soft hearts, then we will begin to see some fruit. We will see people from God’s perspective. We will see how much our toxic words hurt them. And we will gain an ever increasing desire to bless instead of curse, to use our words to build others up, to encourage and to give life. We have a choice - always.