
Luke 1:5-25, 57-80

Jesus has called each of us to be lights in our very dark world. He has not called to point our long, religious fingers of judgement at our world. He has called us to reach out and love those around us with the love of Jesus so others would join us in our journey towards the heart of God.

In order for that to happen we need a revival of our hearts. We need to pray that our hearts would break for the things that break the heart of God. We need to ask God to soften our hearts and turn towards him. As we step out of the darkness and into the light fellowship becomes possible, relationships will be restored and peace will come. That is God’s goal for us.


God does not want us to live in shame. If you are experiencing shame, that comes from Satan. He is the accuser. Jesus, as he did with the adulterous woman, always uncondemningly and lovingly invites us to something better, life with him, to take his yoke upon us so we can learn from him how to live the real abundant life in exchange for the counterfeit that Satan offers.