This week, as we continue our GROW series, Pastor Steve will be talking about what it means to “be” with God. In Psalm 46 it says “Be still and know that I am God”. How can we learn to be still? Sometimes we get out of sync, and everything just feels like a struggle. Our efforts can become more desperate than intentional. More frantic than planned. More entertainment-driven than soul-satisfying. In our pain we often numb and suffocate the self rather than quiet and nourish the soul. What are we doing here? We are all so busy labouring and doing something. Busyness can also cover up the numb, hardened state of our relationship with God and others. As a result, we may feel alone, weary, and heavy-laden. We wander. We lose focus. We stop listening. We drift missing out on the goodness, fullness, and beauty of walking with Jesus day in and day out. This Sunday, our prayer is that you answer the invitation to find a pattern of coming and resting in Christ, and in resting, you will be filled to the measure of your being.