What are values? Values describe what is important to us as a church. Values determine what we do and what we don’t do. In other words, our actions determine our current values. As a leadership team, we believe that we need to define our values to help us lead our church towards our new vision. Some values are already in place, and we also need to determine some new ones.
This week, Pastor Steve will be looking at the first value: Jesus Centred – The good news of Jesus is everything to us, and we want everyone to know it.
In Colossians 1:15–23, Paul tells us that Jesus is the centre of all things, that this should impact how we live our lives, and how we function as a church. What is your centre? What holds you together and keeps you from falling? Do you want others to know how to centre their fallen lives on Christ? Is the good news of Jesus is everything to us, and do we want everyone to know it?
Looking forward to worshiping with you on Sunday!