The world has often been described, inside the Bible and out, like some great battlefield. There are many repetitive wars being waged for different reasons, spiritual, emotional, physical, wars that rob us of peace, and often leave us with heartache. How should we respond when we find ourselves thrust into the battlefield? This week, Psalm 28 has left us wondering: What does worship look like when we are in the midst of the battle? And deeper still, down at the very foundation, Leora will ask the question: Where does worship begin? How can we worship in the mess, when we feel discouraged, or bitter, or unseen.
Psalm 28 is a beautiful example of worship in the midst of life's battles. The Psalms teach us that we can worship in any circumstance. They teach us of a God who is bigger than our experiences, bigger than our feelings, a God who is worthy of our praise. Our feelings can and will come along for the ride, but the Psalms teach us that our feelings don’t get to speak the final word about God. Please be in prayer as the team prepares for the service this week. We look forward to worshipping with you, no matter where you're at in the journey, whether you've been praising God your entire life, or if you are standing at the threshold, considering taking these first beautiful steps.