What is forgiveness? Are there times when you should not forgive someone? What does Jesus teach us about holding on to wrongdoings?
In Matthew 18:21-35, Peter asks Jesus how many times he should forgive his brother, suggesting seven times. Jesus responds with the staggering number of seventy-seven times. The parable tells of a servant who owed an immeasurable debt to his master. When he pleaded for mercy, his master, moved with compassion, forgave the entire debt. However, this servant, upon encountering a fellow servant who owed him a much smaller sum, showed no mercy and had him thrown into prison.
This parable illustrates the boundless mercy of God towards us and the expectation that we, in turn, should extend forgiveness to others. It challenges us to reflect on our own capacity to forgive, and whether we are truly embodying the grace we receive from our Heavenly Father. Do you feel weighed down by past hurts and pains? It’s not easy to let go of things that have hurt us deeply, but with God’s help, we can find the strength to release what is not ours to carry.