We have been serving in Poland for almost 10 years. We were from the beginning involved in camp ministry as a way to lead evangelism among kids and youth, and we extended into church planting.
We are now involved in the 3rd church plant in a city called Biala Podlaska, 30 km from the Belarus border (east side). It is a city of 65,000 people with no testimony for the Gospel of Christ. We have joined a couple, Gnel and Gosia, who were with us in our first church plant in Grodzisk (south of Warsaw) a few years ago. We have been leading visiting and Bible studies on Thursdays since September, and regular church services in their home from May 2014. We are 9 to 13 people, half of them being unbelievers.
So pray that the Lord will touch the hearts of those dear people who come to hear the Word and have fellowship with us. We have much to do so that the light of the Gospel will shine in this city.
A few names to pray for: Salvation: Marta, Mateusz, Mirek, Basia / Testimony in town: Gnel and Gosia, Alicja and Krzysiek
The city has a Center for kids after school, and Gnel started to help there once a week. We will have the opportunity to lead a day camp (VBS type) with the kids on July 13-17; this is a big step of faith for us, pray for wisdom and great enthusiasm to bring the love of Jesus in this needy place.
We continue to be involved in Camp ministry, especially in the town of Lublin where we led soccer camps for 4 years now. We will have this summer: Soccer camp July 20-25, Evangelism via music and sports July 27-31, Family camp at the Kunow Christian camp Aug 1-9.
A Team from 2 churches, Cloverdale and Southridge, will come and join us this summer. We have for now 7 people, and all of them are coming back for a 3rd or 4th time - this is a faithful commitment from them. They want to help in our evangelistic events, praise the Lord for this great encouragement. Pray that the Lord will lead us to bring love and the Gospel to the many places we will be serving together (Biala Podlaska, Kunow, Lublin).
Our 2 kids are home schooled, and we loved the fact that we have great support from Heritage Online Christian school who supervises us in our activities. We do all this to lead our kids to love Christ and His church. Rachelle (11 years old) helps us by playing violin int he church and camps. Timothy (13) feels a bit alone, as we have no kids in our church plant setting. It would be wonderful if the Lord could save some teenagers and build a junior youth that would be active for the Lord Jesus. All things are possible!
Thank you for partnering with us on our work. We are very thankful for your loving support.
I have included a recent picture of us. Let me know if I can help with anything else.
In Jesus,
Pierre & Hanna Jutras