On behalf of the Staff, and Board at Campbell River Baptist Church, we would like to welcome you and thank you for connecting with us today.
If you know someone who is not receiving our weekly newsletters and would like to, please encourage them to do so by calling into the office (250) 287-8831 or go directly to the website.
We are so thankful that you have continued to be the Church in so many ways each and every week!! We are the Church. Our worship of God is not confined by the walls of our building. We cannot give up gathering (Hebrews 10:23-25a), we cannot stop loving, we cannot stop giving, we cannot stop growing.
We have an opportunity to serve our faith community here in Campbell River and we want to provide you and your family with resources to stay connected to God’s word and to each other during this time.
Please use this Order of Service as a springboard to start your time of worship this morning.
God Bless
We are called to honor and worship God with all areas of our life. This includes resources such as our time and finances. We would like to take the opportunity to point you towards some of our online giving options such as Tithe.ly and e-transfers
This Sunday, we are going to be looking at Paul, and his reaction to his various times in prison. We are going to look at how Paul encouraged those that he was writing too, and how Paul thought about those circumstances which might otherwise cause discouragement and despair.
For the months of May and June Rooted Kids will be going through the book of Exodus, following the life of Moses.
Preschool: https://vimeo.com/555298264
Elementary: https://vimeo.com/558285525
1-Bread Baking: God provided food for the Israelites while they lived in the desert. A type of ‘bread like’ substance appeared on the grass every morning for them to have for their meals that day. As a reminder that God is the provider, make some bread together as a family.
Here is a recipe for you:
Start by mixing these three ingredients together:
1½ tablespoons yeast
½ cup warm water
2 tablespoons of honey
Let them rest and bubble for about 5 minutes.
Add in
3 ½ - 4 cups of flour
2 teaspoon of salt
Once you stir that together add in about 1 cup of warm water and mix well
Let rise for 30-60 minutes.
Knead the dough
Put it on a cookie sheet and bake at 450 for 15 minutes.
2-Another option is to make a thank-you card for God.
Thank him for all the good gifts He has given you.
Below is a playlist with a bunch of songs that we have done for you to listen to if you wish.
Below is a playlist with a bunch of songs that we have done for you to listen to if you wish.