On behalf of the Staff, and Board at Campbell River Baptist Church, we would like to welcome you and thank you for connecting with us today.
If you know someone who is not receiving our weekly newsletters and would like to, please encourage them to do so by calling into the office (250) 287-8831 or go directly to the website.
We are so thankful that you have continued to be the Church in so many ways each and every week!! We are the Church. Our worship of God is not confined by the walls of our building. We cannot give up gathering (Hebrews 10:23-25a), we cannot stop loving, we cannot stop giving, we cannot stop growing.
We have an opportunity to serve our faith community here in Campbell River and we want to provide you and your family with resources to stay connected to God’s word and to each other during this time.
Please use this Order of Service as a springboard to start your time of worship this morning.
God Bless
We are called to honor and worship God with all areas of our life. This includes resources such as our time and finances. We would like to take the opportunity to point you towards some of our online giving options such as Tithe.ly and e-transfers
Title: Meeting God At The Tabernacle
Sermon One: An Invitation To His Presence
Exodus 25-30
There are so many things to study about the Tabernacle that we could spend years doing it and still feel that we are just scratching the surface. Our main focus in this series is 'the kids’. Israel would spend forty years in the wilderness so that the adults who lacked the faith to enter the promised land would die off and their children would be the generation that would claim God’s promise. Throughout those years, this second generation would solidify their faith in God by experiencing Him at the Tabernacle. This simple, mobile structure they would encounter every day would define their walk with God and establish a faith that would last for thousands of years.In this series we will look at the joys, opportunities and challenges of having God ‘among us’ as His work continues to be fulfilled through Jesus and His Spirit.
For the weeks of March 7th, 14th, 21st and April 11th, 18th and 25th - instead of locally filmed videos with Leora and other volunteers, there will be content available on RightNow Media following the Parables of Jesus that are in Matthew chapter 13.
We are able to provide RightNow Media as a free resource to you. To access RightNow Media for free - you need to create an account using the link below. Doing so will give you access to the weekly suggested videos.
Once you are signed into your account look for the Library tab or the three lines in the upper left hand corner. Find the Campbell River Baptist Church library. There is a section labeled “Rooted Kids Sunday Morning”. There will be new videos selected each week to go along with the parable teaching of Jesus for that week.
Here is a video explaining how to sign in and use RightNow Media:
Here is a video explaining the RightNow Media App:
If you have any questions or need help creating your account - please contact Leora. leora@crbaptist.bc.ca
Below is a playlist with a bunch of songs that we have done for you to listen to if you wish.
Below is a playlist with a bunch of songs that we have done for you to listen to if you wish.