The Book of ActsAre you waiting for a miracle? This week we are looking at the healing of the lame man in Acts chapter 3. This is the first story of the church after the coming of the Holy Spirit and it is one of miraculous healing. We will see how the ripples of this miracle impact not only in man's life but also the early church. Are you interested in miracles, what they are, and what they mean for us today? Join us this Sunday as we look into the story and worship our God, who is near to us and still healing today. For more infomation visit:
Impact 2024
Our pastors and leadership are away this week at Impact 2024. Impact is an annual Fellowship Pacific event where we gather in one place to celebrate what God has done in the past year, look ahead to where we’re going, and be equipped for the steps we need to take right now. Let's be in prayer for vision, connection, and spiritual refreshement for our leaders. |
God Stories!
In the past year, we have seen 9 people commit their lives to Christ for the first time, and countless others have returned to church. Our church has grown by more than 100 people in the past year! There's nothing quite like the cloud nine enthusiasm of a new believer. If you have recently committed your life to Christ, or encountered God in a powerful way, we would love to share your story. To share our stories shares the love, joy, and freedom that has been placed in our hearts by God. It is spreading the good news! For the faithful, we keep praying that God stokes to flames the embers in our hearts that might be dim. May the breath of God come and fan us to flame this week as we seek His face. Then Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” ...So he, leaping up, stood and walked and entered the temple with them—walking, leaping, and praising God. And all the people saw him walking and praising God. Acts 3:6, 8-9 To email your story or call the office: office@crbaptist.bc.ca (250-287-8831) For more infomation visit:
Wedding ShowerGrace Beselt Ladies, we are looking forward to celebrating Grace Beselt and Carter King's upcoming wedding with a shower at the church! Please bring a small gift and a small sweet or savoury to share. Details: May 6th at 7pm CBRC Fellowship Hall |
Newcomer's LunchApril 28th On April 28, following the Sunday Service, we will be hosting a newcomer's lunch for anyone who is new to Campbell River Baptist Church (CRBC) in the last twelve months. Come hear about our vision, next steps you can take, and how you can connect into the CRBC family. Please register using the button below For more infomation visit:
Missionary HighlightDuane and Dawn Bakken We have set up a new Missionary Highlight on our welcome shelf, with the latest update from Duane and Dawn Bakken. Check it out on Sunday. For security reasons, the Bakkens have asked not to share this information online. We plan to rotate through Missionaries and their relevant updates on a monthly basis. |
Here are some ways to giveThanks for partnering with CRBC! 1) In-Person - Sunday Mornings or the Office (Mon-Thurs 9-4) 2) E-transfer - giving@crbaptist.bc.ca 3) Click Here to Give Online through Tithe-ly 4) Click Here for Pre-Approved Withdrawal If you require any help please contact Jackie at bookkeeper@crbaptist.bc.ca For more infomation visit: https://tithe.ly/give_new/www/#/tithely/give-one-time/2694975?widget=1
Weekly Prayer
Please join us in prayer for the following: Youth Pastor Search Small Groups Praising God for His Provision in 2023 Missionary of the Week: Duane and Dawn Bakken - New Tribes Mission (Asia Pacific) Local Church of the Week: Black Creek United Mennonite |