What distracts us? What keeps us from running the race that God has called us to? It can be a myriad of things as each person has their vices that weigh them down. For some, it might be technology or entertainment. For others it might be unintentionally filling their life with so much activity that they don’t have time for Christ or His work. At times, we might need to stop in all the noise of life to reevaluate what direction we are going. This week, pastor Steve is going to be talking about what it means to be focused. Thomas Rainer says, “The writer of Hebrews issues a call to focus, to fix our eyes only on Christ. One thing. The challenge is to get rid of anything that gets in the way of spiritual transformation.” As a church, we get to partner with God to point people towards Jesus and help them mature in their faith. This requires focus and helping people throw off everything that hinders so they can run freely towards the ultimate prize. The prize is worth it. The prize is unmatchable. The prize is only received by a few. What are you running towards?