If you rented your home out to a tenant, would you expect a payment each month? What if you owned a business, would you want the profits each year? In Matthew 21:33-46, Jesus tells a story about a master who leases his vineyard to tenants who are tasked with maintaining the property. When harvest comes, the master’s servants come to collect the fruit, but instead of handing it over the tenants kill the servants and keep what is rightfully the masters. The master expected obedience from the tenants, but in their arrogance, they chose to disobey and keep what they believed they were owed. This parable illustrates God’s relationship with His people, and how he expects obedience in all areas of our life. But is this kind of obedience even possible for us to achieve? Come and join us this Sunday as we reflect on what obedience means for us, in our brokenness and in the struggle of everyday life.