In Acts 6 we are 3-5 years after Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit. God has been moving in His church, and many are coming to know Him daily. As the church grows, so do its problems, a group of within the church start to grumble about their widows being neglected. How will the apostles respond? Is this going to cause a rift in the church? The enemy knows the church is just beginning and wants to divide them. God has different plans, He wants to use these grumblings to bring about opportunities for His people to meet and care for the spiritual as well as the physical needs of His people. What do you grumble about? When you come home after a long day’s work, or when you step into church for a Sunday service? Where is God wanting to turn your grumblings into opportunities to live out the Gospel? Let us be on guard against the enemy to seeks to divide us.