You will find Rest for Your Soul

In Matthew 11, Jesus uses a farming analogy for discipleship that is different than other analogies he uses (like cross-bearing). This analogy is not so much a challenge as an invitation to rest. In this message I plan to explore:

(1) who are the weary and burdened?;

(2) what is this invitation to rest?; and

(3) what does it mean to “take my yoke upon you”?

In short, I hope to explain that Jesus is inviting the weary and burdened (who realize that they cannot get rest through trying to be righteous) to find rest in him. Rest because in him we find grace. Rest because in him we are forgiven. Rest because in him we are accepted and belong. Rest because in him we receive God’s greatest gift—the gift of eternal life which means knowing him for eternity. 

- Pastor David Lee