This Sunday, we will continue our sermon series called “War for your soul,” and we will be talking about the breastplate of righteousness.
We may believe that we can do something to receive God’s love and acceptance. We may even live and act as if we are better than others when we seem to have it all together. We may try to achieve or master something to find meaning and purpose in our life. Satan wants us to believe that we can live up to God’s standard on our own.
As we wear Christ’s breastplate of righteousness, we begin to develop a purity of heart that translates into actions. Wearing this breastplate creates a lifestyle of putting into practice what we believe in our hearts. As our lives become conformed to the image of Christ, we become more equipped to fight further temptation and deception.
This week, we will learn how to put on the breastplate of righteousness – what it means and how to use it.