This Sunday, we will continue our sermon series called “The Weary World Rejoices,” and we will be talking about the glorious announcement of Christ. Harrison Warren says, “To practice Advent is to lean into an almost cosmic ache: our deep, wordless desire for things to be made right and the incompleteness we find in the meantime.” But when the glory of God shines down on the cosmic ache, everything changes. The glory of God exposes the brokenness. The glory of God brings joy. The glory of God invokes a response when seen by the shepherds and us. It was in the darkness that the glory of God broke through to herald some good news.
Many are tired, grieved, and burnt out. We may feel weary, but God does not leave us empty handed. He sent His Son. He invites us to come and experience the glory of Christ. When we come, He will turn our exhaustion into rejoicing!