What does your road to redemption look like? What did you have to surrender to give your life to Christ? Who was part of your journey? Who embraced discomfort, demonstrated sacrificial love, and uncertainty to share and live out the gospel of Jesus Christ in your life? Who was the real deal? In Ruth chapter 4, we witness Boaz’s selflessness as he not only redeems Naomi’s property but also takes Ruth as his wife, thus ensuring the continuation of their family lineage. We are reminded that redemption has a high cost, but involves more than a transaction; it requires a wholehearted commitment and a willingness to step into the uncomfortable and demonstrate a genuine love for those in need. As we explore this concept of costly redemption, we will consider the implications for our lives today. What areas of our lives require redemption? What are the obstacles we face on the road? And how can we emulate the sacrificial love and commitment of Boaz?