“Part 3: What is Really True?”
Scripture: Ephesians 6:13-14
This Sunday, we will continue our sermon series called “War For Your Soul” and we will be talking about how you determine what is true or truth? The devil hates truth and will do anything he can to distract you from it.
For example, how do we fight against anxiety with truth? Steve Cuss says, “Anxiety blocks our awareness of God because it takes our subconscious attention. This means that anxiety can be an early detection system that we’re depending on something other than God for our well-being.”
The truth is not just something we access mentally. The truth is what life in Christ is all about. We are not called simply to believe the truth. We are called to live the truth. It is in coming to experience truth as a lived reality, that we are set free.
In Ephesians 6, Paul tells us that we are in a spiritual battle, and we are to put on the whole armour of God to “stand firm against all strategies of the devil.” This week, we will learn how to put on the belt of truth – what it means and how to use it.