Do you assume the best of others? Or are you concerned with the dust in someone else’s eye but unwilling to see the log in your own? To see your own aversions? Your own brokenness? This week, Pastor Steve is going to be looking at the Sermon on the Mount and how to overcome our natural tendency to judge others. Jesus tells us to examine our own hearts before discerning what to do. As we do so, we may need to take responsibility for our own contributions to the mess and hurt we have caused others. We do this by asking God to reveal our true motives and desires. We do this by avoiding prejudgement or prejudice or assuming the worst. In everyday conflict, there is an opportunity to become more like Christ. When we go to Jesus and take responsibility, He will restore our vision once the log in our eye is gone. Only then is our vision to be directed to the speck in the eye of the fellow believer.